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venerdì 24 luglio 2009

La buona vecchia Cartapesta,Heike Roesner,Mariana Sampaio,Dominique Danois,Emoto Hajime,

Già Fellini a Cinecittà ci mostro la potenza evocatrice della cartapesta in relazione al sogno ed al ricordo,è la regina dell'arte della scenografia quando scende,fugge dai soppalchi dei teatri di posa per immettersi nel quotidiano,con poetica,disincantata freschezza inventiva,eccovi qui qualche esempio e magari anche la tentazione (lasciatevi ispirare) di cimentarvi un giorno o l'altro con lei in compagnia dei ragazzini pestiferi del vicino di casa.
Tecnicamente rammentatevi che la farina è la migliore colla che si possa impiegare in questa avventura e se volete usate piatti,pentolame,bottiglie quali volumi di sostegno alle vostre creazioni.
Heike Roesner
Il suo sito

More sculptural paper mache! German Heike Roesner created these pieces, they’re made from paper, using both paper mache and collage techniques. I think the only paper mache I ever did was shaped like a balloon. I was five.

Mariana Sampaio

These paper mache creations are from the “Pasta De Papel” workshop of Portuguese paper artist Mariana Sampaio. A happy little family of paper critters, they’re colorful and whimsical. Check out Mariana’s blog for more images. Can’t you just see these hanging on a mobile in a baby’s room?

Il suo sito

Dominique Danois

French artist Dominique Donois creates paper mache window displays for chic Parisian fashion shops. These small pieces, all made from paper, are part of her window displays. I love the Eiffel Tower in the second to last photo in this set.
Il suo sito

Emoto Hajime
Museum Of Fantastical Creatures

Created and curated by cryptozoologist Emoto Hajime, the Museum Of Fantastical Creatures holds a collection of impossible critters. These otherworldly creatures are made from paper, paste and bamboo and are part of a virtual exhibition featuring impossible fossils and freakish finds. The museum is entirely in Japanese, but a Google translation or random clicking will get you around to the various exhibits.

More at the Museum Of Fantastical Creatures

Paper artist Nives Cicin-Sain creates these whimsical paper mache works in her native Croatia. She creates many of these paper masks, props and head-dresses for theater performances and has illustrated children’s books.

Il suo sito

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