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martedì 16 marzo 2010

STEN & LEX uno dei maestri dello Stencil

La Galleria fotografica con moltissime  opere di Luca Maleonte

‘ Italian street atists STEN & LEX have been working together since 
they met at University in 2002. In September 2008 they featured in a 
show called “Power and Currency at the Factory FreshNuart Show in 
Stavanger, Norway alongside Blek le Rat, D*Face, Nick Walker, 
Dotmasters, Dolk, Zeus, Eine & Cauty. Their work have a raw, 
underground feel. Their black and white mugshot style portraits often
portray political or religious icons such as Putin or the Pope and there 
is an element of Gallery in Brooklyn, New York. They also took part 
in the citywide street art social.’ (via The Brick Lane Gallery)

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