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giovedì 19 novembre 2009

Un Omaggio a Darwin un artista crocifigge l'Uomo di Simian una scimmia

Si tratta di una riuscita provocazione in una ottica moralista,l'artista ha voluto sottolineare la condizione attuale delle grandi scimmie in via di estinzione e contestare a suo modo e direi con toni iconoclasti,dissacranti l'idea meschinella di Benedetto XVI° che ha sulla supposta assenza dell'anima nel regno animale.personalmente credo che l'installazione scultura che peraltro non impiega un vero animale (meglio precisarlo) potrebbe spingersi un po piu in là,e forse il senso piu profondo e dissacrante dell'opera non puo venir evidenziato,portato alla luce pubblicamente per il suo carico trasgressivo ferocemente antireligioso.Pensateci bene stà storia dal tono animalista mal si acconcia con la scultura,sembra una copertura mimetica per farla passare in certi ambienti e infatti l'opera è esposta in una chiesa!

Jesus as an ape? Artist crucifies simian specimen in London

No, that's not a real gorilla hanging from a cross. It's a large waxwork sculpture that British shock artist Paul Fryer has crucified in an attempt to "highlight [the] plight of the Western Lowland Gorillas, and to challenge the Christian notion that animals do not have souls," according to one report.
Fryer, who caused a stir earlier this year when he exhibited a statue depicting Christ in an electric chair just in time for Easter, has told reporters that his latest work, titled "The Privilege of Dominion," isn't meant to cause offense.

The work is currently on display at an exhibition at the former Holy Trinity Church in Marylebone, London. The show, which features works by 16 artists, is being held to coincide with the Frieze Art Fair.
In an article in the London Evening Standard, the artist said: "I do go to church and regard myself as a Christian, though I'm probably a heretic.... I just hope people understand the spirit of it is intended to create discourse and make people think rather than offend anybody."
The gorilla sculpture was reportedly created with the assistance of a waxworks expert who had worked at Madame Tussauds.
Also on display is Fryer's electrocuted Jesus sculpture.
In the Daily Telegraph, the show's curator, Joe La Placa, defended the artist's work, saying that the gorilla sculpture is supposed inspire discussion as to why primates were disappearing.

“It inspires you to connect to your maximum ability to learn and connect… I think great art heightens that,” he said.
-- David Ng
Photo: Paul Fryer's "The Privilege of Dominion." Courtesy: London Evening Standard

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"Rifiutare di avere opinioni è un modo per non averle. Non è vero?" Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936)