Abdul Vas- una sorpresa scoprire Sasha Grey la nota pornostar cosi disponibile alla collaborazione con gli artisti d'avanguardia! Tanto di cappello a questa affascinante signorina universalmente nota per le sue trasgressive e audaci performances nell'hard.

Abdul Vas is a really interesting visual artist from, Maracay, Estado Aragua, Venezuela, currently living and working in Madrid. His work is very daring, charged with multiple layers of meaning and depth. Personally, I’ve been quite intrigued by it for the last couple weeks, and think its fascinating how each time that I delve in it, I seem to come out from it with an entirely new read or take on it. In addition, I can’t look at his body of work without immediately thinking of many great artist that preced him, such as Emil Nolde, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Francis Bacon, and Paul McCarthy.

Even though at the beginning one may be of the idea that Vas’s work is crude and violent, due to the bold brushstrokes which he tends to lay down on the canvas, I would dare dare to say that it is sweet and somewhat innocent. The contemporary iconography which he utilizes (AC/DC, Cincinnati Reds, the Americana, and the inclusion of popular figures such as actor Bendicio del Toro and porn star Sasha Grey) is the direct result of a deep introspection within himself to find and exhibit some of his most intimate interests, which he later composes in a way that is reminiscent of the way Chagall would present his dreams and visions on paper and canvases many years ago. As a result, he’s able to allow spectators a chance to step into his intimate and complex world where everything seems honest and chaotically in place.

In addition, I believe that the way in which he has managed to utilize the image of the ever-popular Sasha Grey is something very interesting to consider. Although Grey has become known worldwide for her extreme pornographic performances, Vas has been able to re-edit these photographs by carefully covering certain aspects of it, ultimately presenting her in a new light; in them Grey stops being the Grey we all know, only to become a somewhat average and sweet girl. Thus, the spectators are forced to dispose of their preconceptions about the pornstar, to rethink and understand the work placed before them.

And although this series of watercolors date back to ‘01, its well worth taking a good look at them today:
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