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mercoledì 31 marzo 2010

Shary Boyle e le Bambole in porcellana


When I think of porcelain figurinces, those stupid Precious Moments knick-knacks that out-of-touch (but well-meaning grandmothers) keep in glass cases that smell like mothballs come to mind.  Not these babies! Shary Boyle, in her strangely beautiful porcelain sculptures, invokes desire, adolecence, anxiety, sex, and scary fantasy worlds. Boyle is also a performance artist and painter as well as a filmmaker. She is represented by Jessica Bradley Art Projects, currently lives and works in Toronto, but has an well deserved extensive international career. Love these!
2008. Little Brown Bat. Lace draped porcelain, gilt. 23cm x 23cm x 14cm


2005. Porcelain, china paint. 20cm tall.


2004. Haunt. Porcelain, china paint, gilt. 24cm tall.


2004. Porcelain, china paint. 26cm tall.

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