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Uno scultore,un designer che ha ancora voglia di giocare,si colloca nel filone universale della Pop Art,come si sà c'è posto per tutti ma almeno lo fà con una gran voglia di giocare.
Le sue sculture richiamano la BD,i supereroi di certi albi a fumetti o del cinema Hollywodiano,con qualche compiacimento verso la moda del momento.Con tanta malinconia,nostalgia per la dimensione della potenza infantile,quella sognata e che scompare raramente con l'adolescenza come possiamo vedere,constatare con la tipologia umana dei politici.
Uno scultore,un designer che ha ancora voglia di giocare,si colloca nel filone universale della Pop Art,come si sà c'è posto per tutti ma almeno lo fà con una gran voglia di giocare.
Le sue sculture richiamano la BD,i supereroi di certi albi a fumetti o del cinema Hollywodiano,con qualche compiacimento verso la moda del momento.Con tanta malinconia,nostalgia per la dimensione della potenza infantile,quella sognata e che scompare raramente con l'adolescenza come possiamo vedere,constatare con la tipologia umana dei politici.
Michael T. Rea
” Standing on the shoulders of other people’s dreams could perhaps be the most pathetic of all dreams. The intent of my work is to create something short of its outcome. My goal is to create the idea of an object that remains a dream. The objects I create are based on fictions, rather than realities. I have always been interested in the ephemeral worlds established in film, or even in popular culture. Fictions or established hearsay allow for a flawed interpretation, which leads to a flawed result. The sublime is unattainable, and not an option. I further amplify this experience by only using my memory to construct my images. Failure is imminent. I find humor allows me to enjoy this experience, and I in turn build humor into the worlds established by my work. I have chosen to depict these states with unfinished wood, and other materials which convey a sense of the temporal. I find the beauty in life lies in between moments. My work offers a sense of what could be and what could never be simultaneously. ” -

” Standing on the shoulders of other people’s dreams could perhaps be the most pathetic of all dreams. The intent of my work is to create something short of its outcome. My goal is to create the idea of an object that remains a dream. The objects I create are based on fictions, rather than realities. I have always been interested in the ephemeral worlds established in film, or even in popular culture. Fictions or established hearsay allow for a flawed interpretation, which leads to a flawed result. The sublime is unattainable, and not an option. I further amplify this experience by only using my memory to construct my images. Failure is imminent. I find humor allows me to enjoy this experience, and I in turn build humor into the worlds established by my work. I have chosen to depict these states with unfinished wood, and other materials which convey a sense of the temporal. I find the beauty in life lies in between moments. My work offers a sense of what could be and what could never be simultaneously. ” - Michael T. Rea

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"Rifiutare di avere opinioni è un modo per non averle. Non è vero?" Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936)