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martedì 11 agosto 2009

Un maestro dei grigi russo Igor Suvorov

Igor Suvorov
Вorn 1932,  Leningrad, Russia.
1954 — graduated from art and graphic college, Leningrad, Russia.
1960 — graduated from I.E. Repin's Institute  for Painting, Sculpture and Architecture.
 Professor, member of the Russian State Academy of Fine arts.
Since 2005 confered the rank of national artist of Russia
Works of Igor Suvorov are included in collections of State Historical Museum of Saint-Petersburg,
 State Museum of Vologda, Russia, State Painting's Gallery of Karelia, Russia
La Galleria

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"Rifiutare di avere opinioni è un modo per non averle. Non è vero?" Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936)