Una Balena radioattiva spiaggiata per colpa delle perdite della centrale atomica giapponese di Fukujima ?
In un certo senso si,in realtà si tratta di una instalazione artistica iperealista realizata in Belgio.
Costruita in fibra di vetro da Captain Boomer;un collettivo artistico agguerrito.
Ha avuto un successo di pubblico strepitoso.
Captain Boomer, a Belgian art collective, created this art installation of a life-size, 17-meter long fiberglass beached sperm whale. Captain Boomer states, “The psychological archetype of the dead big fish leaves no one untouched. It stirs and mobilizes a local community. During our beachings, we see an intensive interaction among the crowd. People address each other, speculate and wonder. They offer help and ask for information. The different layers of perception create funny games. Some audience members know it is a work of art but feed the illusion to other people. The sperm whale appeals to everyone, regardless of social or cultural background. It is the place where everyone gets together. That’s why it is vital it beaches on a public spot that is freely accessible.” Link here.
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