
giovedì 28 gennaio 2010

Surrealismo illusione ottica,prospettive sulle sfere e scienza

Dick acknowledges strong influences by M.C. Escher and Buckminster Fuller and has received high critical acclaim from aficionados of both camps. Termespheres are part of many prestigious collections.

This completely unique, holistic way of seeing, painting, and thinking is the key to appreciate the work of Dick Termes. In the past 32 years, Dick has explored over 160 spherical surfaces.

â œTermespheresâ hang in space and, powered by electric motors, rotate on a central axis. In effect, they push the old medium of two dimensional painting to a new four dimensional limit. (Time and motion are the fourth dimension.)

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"Rifiutare di avere opinioni è un modo per non averle. Non è vero?" Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936)